Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Year, New Challenges, New Growth Opportunities

I woke up one night and could not go back to sleep, so I got up and went to write in my journal. I don't usually go into the kitchen when I can't sleep, but this particular night I did. I did not have any lights on and as I went past the dishwasher I noticed that it had finished so I opened the door to let the dishes air dry, and I proceeded to go down stairs to write in my journal. When I finished, I turned off the basement lights and was walking through the kitchen, in the dark and wham, bang, I ran into the dishwasher door and went over the top of it and landed on the palms of my hands, with my arms outstretched. I knew for sure that I had broken the dish washer door because I felt it go all the way to the floor. I thought I had also pulled the dishwasher loose from its screws, anchoring it to the counter top. I picket myself up and Dennis asked if I was alright and I said yes, just shaken up and that my arms hurt a little. This happened about 3:00 am. I tried to go back to sleep, but when the alarm went off at 5:00 am, I had had very little sleep and my arms were now in quite a bit of pain, and I could hardly bend my elbows. We got up and Dennis insisted on taking me to the emergency room. I wasn't in much of a condition to argue as I was pretty sure my arms were broken and needed to be x-rayed.

Sure enough, after an hour and a half, and some very painful positions for the x-rays, the doctor announced that I had broken both my elbows. They were actually hairline fractures at the top of the radial bone near where it attaches at the elbow. It was pretty funny, when we ran into the Relief Society president who was taking her daughter in to have some stitches removed as we were leaving the hospital. By the end of the day, we had help lined up for the entire week, and I would not be left alone for 1 minute. I did not have casts on my arms, of which I am so grateful. The ER just sent me home with slings and a prescription for pain meds, of which I am so happy to say, that I did not have to fill.

Amanda, Alisha, Mom, Nancy and Lisa all came to stay with me along with some very kind RS sisters. They had to feed me and help me with bathroom duties. I was pretty embarrassed to say the least. By about Wednesday or Thursday I could move my left arm a little and was able to start feeding myself, and take care of bathroom duties by myself. That was a huge relief.

I started taking BF&C and Vitalerb Capsules every half hour and Dennis wrapped my arms with BF&C fomentations during the day for the first two weeks. Then I found it better to wrap my arms with the fomentations at night and put the cream on during the day. I did not have any pain and I know that is from doing all this herbal care. I remember Dr. Christopher saying that when you feed the body the proper nutrients, there will not be any pain.

I have had exceptional care from my family and the Relief Society sisters and am so thankful for it. I has now been 4 weeks and I have most all the use of both my arms back, but my right arm has a way to go still, so I am careful with it.

Throughout this time I at first laughed for days at my crazy predicament due to a totally freakish accident. As I reviewed the circumstances of the accident I began to ponder about it and ask myself if perhaps this happened for a reason. Why did I wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep? Why did I go through the kitchen to write in my diary, when I usually go in the craft room where there is a big table to write on? Why did I break both arms and not just one? At first I thought it was a lesson for me to slow down my life as I usually go 100 miles a minute. Then it came to me one morning after I had called into a Healthier You Radio Show I usually listen to on Saturday mornings at 9:00am on 1400am.

I did call into the program and told David and Fawn that I have been eating the proper diet, exercising and following the program they gave me for my ostopenia for the past 2 1/2 years and I am not getting any better, just worse. That is when they suggested that my body is not absorbing correctly and that is very likely due to Systemic Yeast Overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome, which is from taking lots of antibiotics and eating a SAD diet(Standard American Diet). I had done both of those things in a big way. When I was 5 years old I had Rheumatic Fever and had to take Penicillin everyday for the next 10 years. Along with this I ate a pretty standard American diet which is full of processed foods, lots of sugar and white flour, shortening and other very unhealthy fats and very little exercise. They guided me to an article in their archives and I started researching it. I found out that it is

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