Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 1

This cleanse runs for 20 days. Along with taking different herbs for those 20 days in order to kill off the yeast and help heal the intestinal track there are certain foods you cannot eat because it is stuff the yeast thrives on.

Do not eat in any form:
No Grains (whole or refined)( bread, muffins, crackers, cereal, rice, tortillas, etc)
No Fruit (dried, fresh, frozen, or canned)
No dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, etc.)
No sweeteners (sugar, agave, maple syrup, sucanut, etc)

Foods to eat:
Vegetables (all you want, but eat a good variety)
Dried beans that have been sprouted (soaked) for 48 hours.
Some meat, but not a lot.
Stevia (as close to pure as possible)
Pure virgin Olive and coconut oil
Apple Cider Vinegar

It is challenging to think of what to eat when you know that you can't eat certain foods for awhile that you are used to. The hardest for me is what to have for breakfast. I usually have a green smoothie or oat groats with a banana, but for the next 20 days, I have to be creative. I have decided to keep a daily journal of what I am eating in case anyone else should have this problem. The hardest part is not having a menu plan to follow or at least look to as a guide.

2 scrambled eggs
1 potato fried in a little olive oil

Lettuce salad
romaine, spinach and red lettuce
Carrot (grated)

Baked chicken breast
Baked butternut squash

I did not have a lot of fresh vegetables on hand and this is what sounded good to me. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. I found some excellent deals at Buy Low and Rancho Market and will go there tomorrow (actually just to Buy Low's as they price match now).

Sprouted almonds

I sprouted almonds for the almond milk which is so easy to do. Just place raw unpasteurized almonds in a bowl and cover with ample water. I did this before I went to bed and they were ready for me to make milk out of in the morning. To make almond milk, just take 1 cup soaked almonds and 3 cups water and blend in the blender (I use a Vitamix) and blend well. Pour into a bowl lined with muslin or cheese cloth and press out the "milk". Today I threw out the pulp that was left as I could not make any muffins or desserts out of it. I took some of the soaked almonds, rinsed them, put in a small bowl, added some more water, covered with an air tight lid and placed in the fridge. The rest I placed on a plate with a paper towel and let air dry on the counter top, gently shaking every hour or so until all sides were dry. They are SO DELICIOUS. They taste so much better this way and are way healthier for you. If you were going to make your own almond milk, you would want to consider adding some sweetener (I sometimes add agave) and vanilla. It will keep in the fridge for several days. Kids love to drink this and it is so much cheaper than buying it in the store.

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