Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 2

Oat groat cereal
Oat groats
Chopped walunts
Grated unsweetened coconut
Almond milk (homemade, unsweetened)

Lettuce Salad
Romaine, Spinach, Red leaf lettuce
Avocado, sliced
Sprouts (homegrown)
Homemade salad dressing (olive oil, ACV [apple cider vinegar], mustard, sesame seeds)
Leftover chicken from last night

Shrimp (pan steamed with a little olive oil)
Asparagus, steamed
Tomatoes, cucumbers and red onions in ACV

Almonds, soaked
Carrot sticks

I am still struggling with what to have for breakfast since I don't love eggs and that is about the only breakfasty thing I can think of on this cleanse. Yesterday I called the School of Natural Healing of which I am a student and who sponsors the Healthier You Saturday morning radio program to talk to someone about this diet. They said it would be okay to eat only oat groats occasionally as it is still a grain which turns into sugar in the gut. So I tried it today. The best way to cook them is to put 1/4 cup per person (in this case just me) in a thermos and cover with 1 cup boiling water (per person), place the lid on and gently shake so all the water and grain mixes well and lay it on its side and leave it till morning. When you wake up, like magic, your cereal is all cooked. Just add the rest of your ingredients and it is ready. I often times put the oat groats and milk in a saucepan so the milk will warm up. I have to admit that I did not care for this too much. I am too used to having a banana and agave to sweeten it up. I only added about 1/2 tsp of stevia, but it was not enough to sweeten it sufficiently. I was leery of adding too much as I don't want to do anything to help the yeast grow as I am trying to rid it from my body.

The dressing I made for my salad is not the greatest either, but again, I am too used to adding agave to my homemade dressings. You try and find a recipe out there that does not add any sweetener. There just are not too many.

My favorite part of tonights meal was the fresh veggies in ACV. I was shocked that my body actually seemed to be craving it. It actually tasted sweet and very yummy. I also loved the asparagus.

I went shopping today and got lots of fresh veggies. I am looking forward to lots of fun recipes for the next 20 days.

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